Monday, February 21, 2011

Perfect Timing

A few months ago Grammy bought a book for me by an author I love, Sue Monk Kidd. Her book, "Secret Life of Bees" is in my top 10 novels list and I was looking for "The Mermaid Chair." We were at a great little used book store, B's Mountain of Books, and instead of "The Mermaid Chair" I found, "When the Heart Waits."

I promptly started reading and I just wasn't loving it. I've had this experience before with authors I enjoy, so acting on past experience I put the book down for awhile remembering sometimes the timing is just a little off for me.

At the time I had a lot going on in my life, and my original intuition to find a novel ("Heart Waits" is nonfiction) was just what I needed. I picked up "The Mermaid Chair" instead and it was like a good friend hanging out with me while I worked through some challenges.

The other day I picked up "When the Heart Waits" again, and it was perfect timing. It felt like a different book for me. I was reading and reading, and underlining and putting stars all over the page. I'm sure excerpts from this book will pop up in this blog soon!

This is such a good re-minder about timing and re-membering to let it be. There was a time in my life when I would have almost forced myself to read the book because I *know* there is something good here. I would have been disappointed and missed all the great stuff in the book.

Today's journal question:

Is there something in my life that I am struggling with that I could let go of for a time? If I don't want to let go, maybe it is helpful to re-mind myself I can pick it up again, and the timing might be better.

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