Monday, February 28, 2011

Love, Love, Love

Everyone just wants to love and be loved. I heard this somewhere recently, and it was one of those things where everyone in the room just paused for a moment. Such a simple truth. No one can really argue with that. I brought it up in the middle of an intense conversation at one of my classes recently, and again there was this pause with an ensuing connectedness in the room.

The interesting thing is we all seem to know this, but forget it regularly. I have been practicing re-minding myself this simple truth in different situations. Give it a whirl. I have found it very helpful.

Practice re-minding yourself this when you are in the grocery store. Practice it the next time you are in an argument. Practice it when you feel impatient with your child......or anyone. Practice it when you feel angry, excited, upset, joyful, sad, indifferent. Say it slowly - slower and still slower. Remember as you practice it that it is everyone, everywhere, all of the time.

Today's journal exercise:

Today write this statement slowly in your journal seven times. When you are finished begin stream of consciousness writing for at least 3 pages on whatever comes up for you. Anything and everything that comes up for you. Just write it down.