Tuesday, February 1, 2011


In November I wrote a post entitle "A Pie With 8 Pieces." In that post I said that it is important to know which piece of the pie needs your attention, or in other words, which of the 8 aspects of your life needs the most attention. Last week in "Two in One," one of the two re-minderz was how helpful it can be to talk something over, out loud with a good listener. Just the other day I was talking over my life with a friend, incidentally the same friend I mentioned last week, and I had another important awareness. Again, I am so grateful for friends!

Currently the piece of the pie needing my attention is the career piece. Now the interesting thing is this was a little tricky for me to see since I also have more work for the month of February than I have had in 3 years! Nonetheless, I have not been blogging like I want to, and that is an important piece of this pie for me.

While beginning to give attention to this, I ran across NaBloPoMo. My daughter had participate in NaNoWriMo, in November - isn't that interesting timing, and so I was interested. For NaBloPoMo, authors can sign up to make a commitment to posting to their blog everyday. I did it. I signed up! That is one way to hold myself accountable, but then I pondered whether or not to say something to you....and here I am sending this out. Now that really feels like accountability.

So, I'll be here everyday in February. I invite you to stop by and say hello. I always enjoy your comments, and I just found a way to make it easier. You no longer have to become a member to comment. Simply click on the word comment below, and type away!

What area of your life needs attention today? What one thing could you do to make a difference for yourself in that area? What are you committed to? How does accountability work for you?

1 comment:

  1. One blog posting per day. Hmmm, easier than NaNoWriMo?

    Good luck. I'll be reading! :-)

    Writing: November Challenges
