Saturday, January 7, 2012

Wave Back

One of the things I have always loved to do is make a crazy face at a kid in the grocery store when no one else is looking or wave at a kid staring out a window in a passing car.  Today I was driving down the freeway with my two girls and one of their friends in the car.  They were listening to their music as loud as I could stand it and laughing and giggling with one another.  I happened to look over and notice a girl about 9 or 10 years old just a little ahead of us waving vigorously out the window at every car that passed with no response.

When we got pretty close to her I opened the sun roof and waved back.  Oh my gosh, this must have made her day.  I thought she was going to bounce right out of her seat belt.  She immediately turned to the girl next to her, who was probably about a year younger, who almost instantly hung as far over the first girl as possible to stick her arm out the window and wave back.  I waved again, and this got the attention of my girls.

Pretty soon all my girls and I and the two girls in the other car were enthusiastically waving at each other.  This caught the attention of four little kids sitting in the back seat of a car just in front of us.  You could see them get each others attention and soon they too were waving their hands at all of us.  Everyone in our car was laughing and excited to connect with these people who we've never seen before, and will probably never see again. 

It totally made my day, and it all started with one little girl continuing to wave even when no one was waving back!