Monday, December 30, 2013

Thank You

Day 20 of 21 Days of Prayer Outside the Box

This bears repeating. "If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough." Try this today.  Use it as you would an affirmative prayer from Day 5.  Try seeing how many times you can find a time to pray the "Thank you" prayer.  

Take it one step further.  My dad (who was more out of the box than anyone I knew, but liked to figure out what made the in the box stuff tick) introduced me to Merlin Carothers book "Prison to Praise" before I could even listen to anything that came from the Bible without crawling out of my skin.  His book is all about the verse from I Thessalonians "In every thing give thanks."  This may sound like a tall order.  Really?  Everything?  It is incredibly effective prayer.  If the Bible is difficult for you, as it was for me for some time, this book may challenge you, but if you are ready for a big challenge this may be just the thing.

If nothing else, just try it.  You can find thousands of things written on gratitude, but when it comes right down to it truly trying it will give you something no amount of reading can.

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