Thursday, December 12, 2013

Day 2 of 21 Days of Prayer Outside the Box

The Power of One Word

There are times when things are so difficult and my mind is so scattered that I literally can't think of any prayer at all, not even making it up off the top of my head.  My head is spinning so fast that I feel paralyzed.  These are the times when the "one word prayer" has become so helpful for me.

I learned a long time ago the power that is in the name of God, whatever name works best for you.  For me it changes.  Today just the word God works well for me, but there was a time that word held such a negative connotation it didn't help.  That's when I applied the wisdom from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." I heard once that it doesn't matter what you call God as long as you call Him.

I have found in those really difficult times repeating the one word that best names God for me is very helpful.

Here are a few that have worked for me or others who I have coached:

Higher Power
Great Creator
All Powerful

These are just a few.  If you Google names for God you will literally find hundreds and hundreds of names.  Find what resonates with you and try it throughout your day.

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