Sunday, December 15, 2013

Affirmative Prayer

Day 5 of 21 Days of Prayer Outside the Box

Affirmative prayer has been a huge part of my spiritual life.  I didn't expect it to change much from the time I first encountered it through all the years I have practiced it, but to my surprise it has changed quite a bit.  In the beginning, I thought if I affirmed enough in just the right way that I could bring about whatever change I thought I wanted.  There was an element of self shame involved, that it was my fault something was "wrong" and that by affirming often enough I could right the wrong.  There was so much baggage even in the process that I was completely unaware of until I let it go and the process became much more light.

When I realized that whatever I was affirming was already True and that I wasn't bringing it into being I was so relieved.  I became aware that instead of making it happen I was simply remembering that it was already True.  I was simply reminding myself of Truth. ( bringing my mind/thoughts back to Truth)  In fact, this was how I chose the name for this blog.

One affirmative prayer that has been very helpful for me is:

God's Law of Divine Love is working in me and through me now.

If I have a more specific thing to remember I will sometimes use this prayer:

God's Law of Divine Love and Justice are working in me and through me now.

Instead of saying these prayers over and over in an almost frantic fashion as I used to, now I say them much more slowly, really allowing them to sink in to my awareness. I still often repeat them throughout the day, I just do so more as a reminder (which brings me a lot of peace) than a desperate attempt to change anything.  I become very mindful of the prayer and the process.

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