Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Self Esteem Journal

Over and over I see the need for people to build self esteem, and I am always on the look out for tools to pass along. You have probably heard of a gratitude journal which has been made popular by the likes of Oprah and Sarah ban Breathnach, who wrote the Simple Abundance books. I know from personal experience and through clients, participants, friends, and family that the gratitude journal is very effective tool to create success and serenity in your life.

Recently I had an idea while talking with a participant in a workshop. If a gratitude journal is so effective, what about a self esteem journal using the same concept. Once a day take an inventory of yourself and write down 5 things that you like and/or love about your self and the things you did in that day. I began experimenting with this, and I have found it to be very effective, very quickly.

I'd like to share a couple of suggestions I found helpful, always keeping in mind that your heart will lead you on the path that is the best for you. It is nice to have a journal set aside specifically for your self esteem journal, but writing it anywhere anytime is, of course, more effective than not doing it because you don't have your journal.

I would encourage you to include things in your journal that you love about yourself just because it is who you are, and things you love about your choices and actions in that day. AND, I encourage you to write down the love you have for yourself even when you may feel like you messed up or made a mistake. Love yourself because you did the best you could. Love yourself for noticing you could improve. Love yourself because you are perfectly human. Love your process. Love who you ARE no matter what.

I invite you to give the self esteem journal a try, and let me know how it goes for you. I am looking forward to hearing your ideas, suggestions, feedback and stories.

Today's journal prompt:

Begin now, in the journal you currently have, or anywhere on any piece of paper writing 5 things your love and/or like about yourself.


  1. Hurray! I love this T! I just wrote 5 things on my desk planner pad, and after the day I've had that felt gooo-ooood. Blessings on you my dear pal!

  2. Hi Honey!
    I think you are absolutely right!! I have a file of "nice notes" from campers. I am going to make my own NICE NOTES to me.
    Thank you for helping me remember to focus on the positive!
    Loved seeing you all on Monday!!xoxoxoxog
