Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Life IS Good

This bracelet is a "treat myself to something special" purchase I made a few years ago. It was money well spent. I love the bracelet, and I truly feel special every time I wear it. It always re-minds me of going to see Michael Beckwith speak years before "The Secret" was published.
We would go to see him speak every couple of months. Each we saw him he would say, "life is good," sporadically throughout his talk. The crowd would always respond by saying, "all the time." It really struck me as I definitely had times when I didn't think life was all that great.
At first I liked this idea that life is good all the time. I thought of it as an affirmation that if I would just focus on the affirmation, life would become good. Good meaning it would be to my liking, it would go as I see fit. This was helpful and felt comforting to me.

Over time (LOTS of time) as I *worked* with this re-minder I came to real-ize that life already was good all of the time. Life is good even when I think it isn't. Even when I am arguing with someone I love. Even when my child is throwing a tantrum. Even when I lose my job. Even when I lose my house. Even when I FEEL differently. My feeling doesn't change the Truth. Life IS Good, all of the time. You can be sure I had a few internal tantrums over this one!

My judgement or belief about the situation most definitely effects my feeling. When I release my judgement. When I choose to believe that Life IS Good, all of the time, even if I don't understand, I begin to experience the Truth that was always, already there.

Which re-minds me of *always, already* thinking and listening and judging. Hmm......more on that soon!

Today's journal question:

Is there an aspect of my life that does not feel good? What is my belief or judgement of the situation? Am I willing to believe that Life is Good, all of the time? Am I willing to be willing? Even in this situation? Even if I don't feel it, think it, see it, or believe it right now? Is there anything I can wear or carry with me to re-mind me of this Truth?
P.S. In the past I have forgotten this real-ization pretty often. When I notice that I have forgotten I just gently (and sometimes not so gently) re-mind myself. Isn't being human interesting?

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