Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Be Specific.....continued

Yesterday I wrote, you don't have to make your goals specific, unless you want to achieve them. The key here is in the end of the sentence, unless you want to achieve them.

"Of course I want to achieve them!" you might say.

And, I would ask you, "Are you sure?"

Over and over I see that we set goals that are not in alignment with our true heart's desire. Our true heart's desire has nothing to do with shoulds, and it often doesn't have much to do with what we think we want. Thinking comes from our head, and while it is a valuable tool in many instances, it is not very helpful with what comes from our heart?

What comes from our heart is more subtle. We aren't as accustomed to listening to our hearts. Our heart speaks softly, in fact we don't listen to our hearts we feel from our heart.

No worries. This isn't to say that our head had no part in the process. If from our head we have knowing, from our heart we have intuition. Head and heart are the masculine and the feminine nature in us, they are the yin and the yang. These two working together will lead us to what it is we really, really, really want.

Today's journal question:

If I get very quiet and ask my heart, "Is this what I really want in this situation," what do I feel?

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