Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Creative Discovering Warm Up

Often in Creative Discovering Workshops participants will sit and just look at a blank sheet of white paper. When asked, they will say something like, "I don't know where to start," or "I don't know what to do." Usually what helps is to do a little warm up.

Just like in sports or playing a musical instrument, a warm up can help to get you started. You can warm up in whatever way works for you. What I suggest is that you take a blank piece of paper, and just start covering the page with color, shapes, whatever. Don't think of this as something that needs to look any certain way, just a way to get the page covered with something.

Over and over I see this work for people. In fact, I might suggest you warm up every time you sit down to do creative journalling. There is something about it that sets the tone and helps you to loosen up and express!

1 comment:

  1. Love this Tanya. That has been my experience so far...... blank; however, after a few lines, circles and scribbles low and behold something always comes to mind. Thanks!!!
