Monday, December 31, 2012

Re-membering 2012

As I sit here on New Years Eve 2012 and look back on what a fabulous year it has been, fabulously difficult, my mind goes to all of the re-minders I had this year.  In my experience, whenever I have experienced great challenge or difficulty, I have also experienced great growth.  I have a friend who says, "Here we grow again!" every time I am chatting with her about something that is bugging me.  This year has been a great example of those things.  Great difficulty.  Great growth or shall I say great re-membering.

Difficulty. Struggle. Growth. Re-membering.  These are the things that point me towards what I believe is my greatest awareness this year.  Re-membering who I am.  Becoming more aligned with my Truth.  Experiencing me.  Joy.  I am so grateful.

It has been quite a journey.  I have had such awesome people to share it with, and I am so looking forward to the journey into 2013.  See you there!