Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Two in One

Today I had an awareness while processing my thoughts and feelings out loud with a friend. When I feel off kilter and I hear myself saying, "I don't know. I just don't know," what is really going on for me is I'm not in control. Being in control gives me the illusion of feeling like "I do know."

What I have also noticed is that the times I had serenity is not when I was "in control," but rather when I was "in faith." Faith that it is all unfolding in the highest and best way, even when I don't see it, don't understand it or (believe it or not) don't like it.

So, how is this a two in one re-minder? It's two in one because, once again, I remembered that processing things out loud is often all I need to come back to a bit of wisdom I already have. Try it, I bet it will work for you, too.


  1. sometimes i say i know when i realy don't. you should only say i know when you do know.

    from talia
    age 10

  2. Thanks for your comment, Talia. I love it when you share your thoughts.
