Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself

FDR's statement, "There is nothing to fear but fear itself," is true in every aspect of our lives. If in fact all we have to fear is the fear itself and not how to pay the bills, get the job, deal with the health issue or __(fill in the blank)__then what do we do about fear?

You are probably aware of and possibly using some strategies to deal with fear already. Some of these strategies may be constructive - some not so constructive.

Among the not so constructive stratagies we find things like over eating, over spending, over drinking and even over exercising just to name a few. Noticing these behaviors signals a need for constructive strategies.

Many of the constructive strategies start with daily disciplines in each of three catagories, body, mind and spirit - balanced exercise, reading positive material, or meditation.

What are some of the strategies you use? What are some that work for you? What are some that don't work for you? What are new strategies you might consider incorporating?

1 comment:

  1. I can tell such a differnce when I get up in time to meditate and excercise first thing in the morning! On the days I don't, like today, I feel foggy and not ontop of my game. Maybe I'll go back to bed and get up again. OR just go meditate and excercise...now that's a thought.
