Monday, May 23, 2011

Have Patience

When I was a little girl I used to sing a song that I learned from my mother.  It started out, "Have patience.  Have patience.  Don't be in such a hurry."  I will catch myself singing that song when things get to going too fast in my life today, and somehow it always helps.

I was contemplating what it was that was helpful.  I think that I big part of it is that it is just a good re-minder.  It isn't anything I don't already know, but when I get to going too fast I forget all of my wisdom.  Some part of me thinks the faster I move the more I will get finished.  Actually what I have found more often than not is the faster I move the faster I get out of alignment. 

I have also found that my ability to have patience is directly related to how much I have tried to stuff into every moment of my life.  When I remember to slow down, have patience with the people and situations in my life, and have patience with myself, everything runs more smoothly.

Journal Prompt:

Is there anything I say no to that will simplify my life today?  If not, how can I become more patience with myself and others?

Creative Journal Prompt:

Draw an image of yourself and your situation or experience when you feel overwhelmed or impatient.  Now draw an image of when you feel patient or centered.  What do you notice from these two images?

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