Sunday, January 31, 2010

Let It Be

Early this morning I received a re-minder from the lyrics of a song..."Let it be. There will be an answer. Let it be," by The Beatles.

So often when I experience stress in my life I forget this Wisdom. There will be an answer. "Stress is a fear reaction to life." Louise Hay re-minds me. When I am feeling fear it is because I am not practicing faith. Somewhere I have unconsiously chosen fear over faith. And then I am re-minded (by a song, friend, affirmation, reading) and I can consiously choose faith.

This morning when I heard the lines to that song I felt a wave of immediate re-lief....quickly followed by another wave of fear. So, I gently re-mind myself with the words of the song as a mantra/affirmation. "There will be an anwer." There IS an answer. I may not be consiously aware of it, but I KNOW there IS an answer.

At the center of my being, in the Truth of my being lies Divine Wisdom. In that place the answer exists, and in Divine Timing it will be re-vealed in my life. I know from past experience that although I think I want to know now, when the knowing comes it will be perfect (Divine) timing. I will understand. So for now. I rest in the faith that all is perfect in my world.


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