Monday, October 8, 2012


This morning I was feeling grateful for the bits of awareness that I might have in a day, and how those bits of awareness hook together over the years and turn into wisdom.  Wisdom that can guide me through life.  I was reflecting on how it is possible to be aware of this as I was today, and also how it is possible to feel like a complete bumbling idiot like I did yesterday. 

How interesting it is that the wisdom we possess can be so completely covered up by pain and circumstances.  As much as I talk of how we just need a gentle re-minder of something we already know, there are often times when I hear a bit of wisdom I have heard umpteen million times and I feel like I am sick and tired of hearing it.  Funny how when heard again in just the right moment it can be the very thing that uncovers the awareness and brings it rushing back as exactly the thing that helps to lift the pain.  I giggle at myself as I am then grateful to have heard it umpteen million and one times.

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