Thursday, February 18, 2010

Be - Do - Have

Be - Do - Have (part 1)

So often we get caught in the routine of doing
whatever we're doing without really stopping to
think about if what we are doing is creating
what we've heard it before....
be - do – have.

You can plug into this equation anywhere and
create the results you desire. For instance, if
what you desire is financial prosperity
(that's the “have” part), all you need to do is use the

Be (prosperity) + Do (prosperous action) = Have (financial prosperity)

Be=be prosperity – this part is for the most part
a given because you ARE prosperity.

Do=do prosperity – think prosperous thoughts –
take prosperous actions

Have=experience financial prosperity

It's that simple!

Be + Do = Have

Which part of the equation are you missing?

1 comment:

  1. This post was originally posted in January. I reposted it here to coincide with the re-minderz email. Thank you for checking out my blog.
