Saturday, July 27, 2013

Now Is How

How do I incorporate Now is How into my life?

The answer to any Now is How question is Now is How.

Be present with the situation, event, whatever is going on.  Stop.  Be with it.  Breathe into it.  Accept it as it is.  Be with it on the surface level where all the whirling dervish energy is flying around.  This doesn't mean join it.  Just be with it.  Listen. Observe. Notice.  Don't react.  Respond.  Remember, sometimes response is non-action. 

Sink down into the core of it.  The core where the peace is.  From that place extend love to the part that is whirling.  Be willing to love the part of yourself that is drawn to whirling, is whirling, sometimes whirls, always whirls.  Love this part of yourself unconditionally.  It is a quiet process. Listen.


